Family After 1

When we think of substance abuse we think of the impact it has on the individual using drugs or alcohol. But substance abuse affects the family also. Spouses, children, and parents may all be affected by addiction in the family.

The addict or alcoholic is directly impacted by this disorder and may display mood swings, work performance degradation and possible loss of employment, money problems, legal offenses, and severe health problems. All of these will carry over to the family and their well-being. The substance user will realize they are causing the damage and may increase their use.

Recenter recognizes Substance Use Disorder as a major public health concern in Houstonians’ daily lives. Recenter has been working to help Houstonians put the symptoms of their disease into remission for nearly 75 years.

We will soon be implementing a nationally acclaimed course of study for families. Youngsters will not take part in the program but will instead be cared for and entertained with games and age-appropriate activities by an elementary teacher and Licensed Professional Counselor. A luncheon will be available for all family members.

Licensed Mental Health Professionals will implement the program we are calling The Family Afterward. It will be offered to families of Recenter residents who have made significant progress in their journey toward sobriety.

Our goal is to reunify the family and minimize the negative impact on the children. At the same time encourage the whole family to accept the substance abuser as a treasured family member. Two family members will attend the counseling. The substance abuser will not attend.

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