With the slowing of COVID-19, Recenter offers face-to-face meetings again to those wearing a face covering.

Recovering men and women of any age may attend 12 Step Alcoholics Anonymous meetings if wearing a face covering.

Guidelines for Recenter 12-step  meetings

  1. No use of profanity.
  2. Limit your share time to 5 minutes.
  3. No “war stories”.  Please don’t glorify your drug or alcohol use.
  4. No cross talk, please don’t reference anyone specifically, share in a general way.
  5. Your anonymity is your responsibility.
  6. Not everyone will get to share; please raise your hand and hopefully you will get a chance to share.
  7. Please remember our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics achieve sobriety.
recenter 12-step meeting schedule